Weight Loss

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness #34

1. What is the one sexual act you would never do? Anything having to do with pooh. Ick. Other than that, not so sure -- haven't been asked to do anything that I've said no to... but I also haven't been asked to do a lot :P

2. Is there anyone you know, that if they turned out to be a serial killer you would not be surprised? No, can't think of anyone.

3. What is the most annoying thing about the holiday season for you? The madness of shopping and the incessant playing of the same holiday songs/music over and over and over and...

4. If you saw a video of your celebrity crush picking their nose, would that change your opinion of their hotness? Maybe. Depends on how seriously they were doing it. More likely I'd just add it to my proof that they're human list.

5. What is the one non-sexual thing you would be embarrassed to be caught doing? Unavoidably passing noxious gas in public.

6. A favorite blogger friend wrote a column about the one word that really turns her on. Do you have a word or phrase that does the same for you? What is it? There a few, dependent upon the circumstances: 'get into position', 'I'm the boss', 'I love this ass'

7. As someone who ran a virtual cookie exchange, I have to ask what your favorite cookie is? Oatmeal raisin chocolate chip