Weight Loss

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What's going on

I'm not going to go into the details here (if you want them, go to my other blog Robin's Red Bottom), but my husband and I are struggling right now. We're looking for a counsellor to see if we can work things out -- we're definitely not continuing on as a couple/family without it.

So, in other "news"--
We all went and saw Jumper this weekend. It was ok. A good idea but the movie bogged down in the middle and never really recovered.

Finished reading P.S. I Love You. Definitely liked the book better than the movie; the characters were more fleshed out, more believable in the book, without the contrived family issues created for the movie. It was a nice book, not a great book, but I would recommend it.

Currently reading Confessions of a Werewolf Supermodel by Ronda Thompson. I haven't read anything else by her, but probably will after reading this. It's a fun read. Sometimes the writing seems a little stilted, but the story is amusing and engaging. I'm about halfway thru and will have it finished this weekend.

Hmmm, not sure what I'll read next -- so many, many to choose from :)

Exercised Monday and killed my quads. Finally, today, the pain has subsided enough that I am not in total pain with every moment, just a few twinges.

Semi watched the Oscars. The only movies I had seen were Enchanted and Ratatouille so I have no points of reference on the winners performances. Oh well.

Gotta go.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Today, Today, Today

Saw this news article today, and had to fight the laughter. I'm sure the thief is in pain, if he survived the shock, but then, he was a thief...
I've marked the bits I found especially amusing.

Shock horror for would-be power cable thief
Tue Feb 12, 1:01 PM ET
Police in central England are hunting for a badly scorched would-be copper power cable thief after finding a hacksaw embedded in an 11,000 volt power cable Saturday night.
The thief, who also left a lit blow torch at the scene, is expected to be badly charred, spiky haired and not exactly the brightest bulb in the socket.
"The sheer stupidity of cutting through power cables should be glaringly obvious to everyone,"
said Phil Wilson, customer operations manager with local power company Central Networks.
"At the very least putting the hacksaw through the cable would have created an almighty bang and the line would have burned for quite a few seconds, showering them with molten copper... We can only assume they left in a great hurry or they were injured and were dragged away by an accomplice." But searches of local hospitals have so far not found the culprit, a spokeswoman for Derbyshire Police said Tuesday.
"Maybe they had a lucky escape," she said. "We don't have any leads yet."
Nearly 800 customers in the village of Creswell were cut off when the wannabe copper thief sawed into their power supply on Saturday night, but Central Networks got the lights back on within a few hours.
Copper prices have more than doubled in the last four years as China has gobbled up huge quantities of it, sparking a wave of copper thefts across the globe from South Africa and the United States to Italy and Britain.
Thieves targeting power lines and electricity substations have already led to two fatalities in Britain and many serious injuries, while leaving thousands without power.
(Reporting by Daniel Fineren, editing by Paul Casciato)

Beyond this, my day was pretty blah. Had a breakfast meeting and then a lunch meeting, so didn't get much done today. Didn't help that what I thought was allergies is turning into a cold -- based on the headache, coughing, sore throat, and pressure in my ears. I so can not be sick right now, too much stuff to do. And DH comes home on Friday and I don't want to be sick over the weekend.

Glad to have the writer's strike over. Way too many reality shows popping up -- stupid, nasty shows.
Jericho is back on tonight. So glad the network reconsidered the cancellation. Looking forward for the return of lots of shows.

Enjoying PS I Love You. It's a good book. Don't really approve of all the changes made to the story for the movie. Of course, I still approve of Gerard Butler being in the movie :D

Gotta try to get to sleep early tonight. Took too long to fall asleep last night and then the stupid snow plow woke me up at 2:30 A.M. Ugh. So I overslept, was late out the door, and then a train crossed my path, so I was 20 minutes late this morning. Gotta do better tomorrow.

Weather today was gorgeous --clear blue sky and lots of sunshine. Still cold but at least sunny. Supposedly more snow is on the way. Such a snowy, gloomy miserable winter. Can't wait for spring (which is probably still a couple of months away).

Monday, February 11, 2008

Here's my day

That pretty much sums it up.
I felt pretty nasty all day while at work, headachy, nauseous, just a smidge away from migraine land. And with sinus problems.
The door alarm was broken. This means it was beeping multiple times a minute for hours --- oh. my. god. What agony. I finally had to turn on my iPod just so I wouldn't be able to hear it. Someone finally turned up about 1pm to fix it.
Had a bunch of personal stuff to take care of -- banking (changing banks -- yuch, what a hassle), insurance, bills, errands during lunch (bright side -- DH was pleased that I got everything done that he'd asked me to).
Extra long commute home as the weather had turned nasty.
Got home to find out that the dryer has broken. Damn, damn, damn. We really don't have the $$ to deal with this right now. And no way to dry the already wet clothes as it is the middle of winter and freaking cold. I don't even know where to find a laundromat in this town. Guess it's time to suss one out.
Found out that I should have been filing a tax return in another state (because of inheritance when my dad died). And they've generously allowed me one month to get the 2006 info filed. Great. At least I know DH is really good about keeping all the papers together so when he gets home this weekend it shouldn't be too hard to get everything all together. Just one more addition to my stress.
So, now it is bedtime for the kiddies, and time for me to completely relax and try to get more sleep tonight than I did last night.

Hope your day was better than mine.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Been a month

Not much is going on.

DH and I go to work (he's travelling this week) and the kids go to school. The weather is nasty (we're well below freezing today). The dog has been trying to steal laundry -- last week I found pants, socks, hats, gloves and a pair of my underpants out in the backyard. The kids are supposed to check the yard everyday when they come home -- it's too dark when I get home to really see what's there. The cat's upset because it's too cold for him to spend time outside and he really doesn't like using a litterbox.

I'm currently reading PS I Love You. I'm not very far in, but while the movie was based on the book, the movie was a very loose telling of the book (lots of artistic license). Not sure yet but I will probably like the book more.

The book before was Light. Confusing and not all that enjoyable. And I'm too anal to just put down a book I'm not enjoying -- I keep hoping that it will get better.

Work is ------ unsettled right now. There're some major changes going through, some people are losing their jobs, and it's got me worried. Nothing has been said specifically, but I feel like I'm being kept more on the outskirts than usual. DH has suggested that I start looking around for something new, but with our big vacation planned for the beginning of May, I don't want to have to arrange it all with a new employer. Job hunting is such an energy drain, especially since I don't know what I want to look for. I've done such a variety of jobs in the past that I really don't have any specialized skills.

Starting in high school, and chronologically:
youth conservation corps at the local fish hatchery
store clerk
Burger King
university food service
university library
temp agency
store clerk
field biologist with the federal government
entry writer with a customs broker
elementary school substitute teacher
general office in a warehouse working with distribution and transportation

So, where do I go from here? I think I'd like working in the local library, but the hours are so varied and if I change jobs I'd really like to be able to spend more time at home with the kids. I could look into the local school district, I suppose, but not as a substitute. I really do not want to do anything in retail, and sales is so not me.

Just the thought of starting over again anywhere, doing anything just exhausts me. And I have to work, we need the second income.

Well, no point in stressing over it right now.