Weight Loss

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Hate Zombie Dreams!

Yes, I really do hate them. I don't have them a lot but often enough that it bothers me. I hate how in vivid color and detail, no matter what I do, the dead fuckers keep coming after me. And sometimes, just to make it that much more of a nightmare, they go after my family.

And I am not watching zombie movies or reading zombie stories when I have these dreams.

On a Sunday, not too long ago, I needed to take a nap. Only it ended up being a less than restful one. It started with repeated lucid dreaming, then I was awoken by crazy cat play. Drifting back to sleep, I was hit with the zombie dream.

- It was a beautiful sunny day. The house had vining flowers growing up and over it and a lush yard. I step outside and, wham, there it is, reaching for me. I'm not sure if it was male or female, but I think female. And it wasn't one of those grotesque rotting flesh zombies - it looked human, but acted zombie. I took a club/bat to it, beating the crap out of it, but it kept coming. For some unknown reason, there was a huge, person-size, pot of boiling water in the yard. And, yep, I managed to get the zombie crammed into that pot and held it under as long as I could. Still it kept coming after me, looking horrid now and falling apart. I managed to start a large fire and after partially severing its head with a large axe, threw in not only the zombie but the pot of icky zombie water. I knew I had to evaporate away all that zombie water or it could cause more zombie problems. -

Shortly thereafter I woke up, feeling dazed and even worse than before the nap. And I think that's understandable after such a horrid dream.

Out of curiosity I went online and searched dream dictionaries. The first was http://www.dreammoods.com

- To dream that you are attacked by zombies, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. You are under tremendous stress in your waking life.-

Okay, yeah, that could be it. But I do take comfort in the fact that I beat the shit out of and then defeated it. :)

Other definitions I found were similar.

So now you know that if you dream about being attacked by zombies, and you haven't recently seen movies or read books with zombies, you're life is really stressing you out. Most of the time I am painfully aware of how overwhelmed I am; I really don't need the zombie dreams to point this out o_0
