Weight Loss

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What's going on

I'm not going to go into the details here (if you want them, go to my other blog Robin's Red Bottom), but my husband and I are struggling right now. We're looking for a counsellor to see if we can work things out -- we're definitely not continuing on as a couple/family without it.

So, in other "news"--
We all went and saw Jumper this weekend. It was ok. A good idea but the movie bogged down in the middle and never really recovered.

Finished reading P.S. I Love You. Definitely liked the book better than the movie; the characters were more fleshed out, more believable in the book, without the contrived family issues created for the movie. It was a nice book, not a great book, but I would recommend it.

Currently reading Confessions of a Werewolf Supermodel by Ronda Thompson. I haven't read anything else by her, but probably will after reading this. It's a fun read. Sometimes the writing seems a little stilted, but the story is amusing and engaging. I'm about halfway thru and will have it finished this weekend.

Hmmm, not sure what I'll read next -- so many, many to choose from :)

Exercised Monday and killed my quads. Finally, today, the pain has subsided enough that I am not in total pain with every moment, just a few twinges.

Semi watched the Oscars. The only movies I had seen were Enchanted and Ratatouille so I have no points of reference on the winners performances. Oh well.

Gotta go.