Weight Loss

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Feel like ...

I feel horrible this evening. Headachy and pains. Don't know why. I do know the site of my DTaP injection is huge, red, swollen, itchy. Don't think I want another one anytime soon. I've taken ibuprofen for the aches and pains, but it doesn't seem to be helping much -- I'm just hoping it's not a migraine (the aches and nausea lead to this possibility). The only migraine medicine I have is Excedrin, full of caffeine, which if I take now will keep my up all night. Considering I live with insomnia on a regular basis, taking something that definitely will keep me up is not a bright idea. I don't really think I should miss work tomorrow -- Tuesday is going to be short anyway as I have an appointment before work that will make me late, and an appointment that I will need to leave early to keep.

Nothing new going on -- reading The Number of the Beast by Robert A. Heinlein. Worked on the DVR timers to make sure everything we want to watch is set up as the new season starts. DH is home for the next couple of weeks. Had my annual physical last week, but still need to go in for lab work (Tuesday morning), and mammogram (next month), before I find out if all is well (BP ok, weight too high [nothing new there]).

Talked to my younger sister Friday (she called me). She's doing well. DH is trying to convince her to bring her family on a cruise with us next year. Not sure if I want this or not -- afraid it might cramp our style :P But he thinks it might be good for her marriage. Don't know...

Getting late, gotta get ready for bed and tomorrow.